Friday, January 30, 2009

PC vs. Mac

This photo tries to prove a Mac is better. In reality, it illustrates the exact opposite.

For the record, PC means "Personal Computer." Technically, even a Mac is in itself a PC. The real battle is (or should be) called "Microsoft vs. Apple" or "Windows vs. Mac OS X."

Now that this is cleared, we're going to move on to the argument at hand.

Mac Says: I can edit movies, music, and photos with ease. I am well protected because my system files are very hard to access, even for a sophisticated virus or Mal-ware attack. In this sense, there is really no need for additional anti-virus, although it doesn't hurt to have it. I am so easy to use because all the tools you need are right on your dock, and setting options and other customizable features are simple and understandable. Use my systems in your work place and you will not need to retrain, or train at all, your average computer using employees.

Windows Says: I am for the geeks (some may make this argument for Linux's Ubuntu.) My system files are easily accessed via C:/Windows/System and /System32 directories. Although they can be easily infected by mal-ware and spy-ware, there are multiple precautions to take. Advantages to the openness of my operating systems allow extremely customizable options for the in-tact user. If a program fails on a Mac, you have to either buy the software again, or try to salvage the problem by reinstalling. On a Windows machine, you simply Google or forum the problem and get a quick fix tip. Most of these tips include simply deleting or adding a system or program file, taking less than a minute. I can also edit movies, music, and photos using a wide variety of free programs. All games are compatible as well. Can't be a Mac and a gamer at the same time.


The Verdict

Apple and Microsoft both have their techniques, but one statement remains true. "When you are on a Mac, you aren't really operating a Mac, you are sharing the 'Mac experience.'" In other words, Macs are for frequent computer users who actually have no idea how a computer operates. In this sense, even though Macs are more accessible, Windows clearly is the superior OS.

Macs are easy to use, sure, but so is the popular children's toy Jack-In-The-Box. They're easy to understand because there isn't much to know in order to use it. Mac's won't make anybody smarter.

In Vista's Defense...

Vista was created hastily because of reoccurring viruses in its predecessor, Windows XP. XP was TOO customizable and therefore left it very vulnerable to virus attacks. In response to this, Vista was born, with top notch security features. So why did people hate it? The problem was that the protection was not modified or updated, leaving several old program files - hence programs in their entirety - incompatible with Vista. Quite honestly, how often do you hear people complaining about Viruses on a Vista machine? Not any more often than Mac. For Mac, they saw this as Vista's weak spot and capitalized on it.

The truth is, Vista was virtually errorless, but perhaps TOO errorless. The Geeks got annoyed because they felt alienated by the "dumbed down" version of XP. Geeks didn't need the new Windows to take their hand and walk them through basic procedures and precautions. The average user needed the help, but ended up complaining in the end. Most people today hate Vista only because everyone else does, in addition to mass marketing by Apple...

Future of Windows 7

In pure speculation, I belive Windows 7 will get a lot of praise after its release. I believe that it will combine the security of Vista with the accessability and compatabilty of XP Pro, with the feature to use it as easily as a Mac OS X.

Only one question remains...what's under Linux's sleeve?

Era of Casual Gaming. Good or Bad?

Please refer to this IGN article for more insight.

Doug Lambardi is a brilliant man in his words
This is what the process has become:

1. Make eye catching, low end games, such as Carnival Games for Wii, to get new gamers involved.
2. They will notice how bad the game is after a while, and start to distinguish good games from bad games. Then they think, "What else can I get?"
3. As they become better at picking out good games, they will also develop skill. They may also start reffering to sites and shows such as X-Play, IGN, and GameSpot to learn more about the industry.
4. These new gamers will change from a Carnival Games gamer into a Bioshock gamer.
5. Evolve from there.

Right now we are on steps 1 and 2. Eventually we will see the next steps in action, and thus the industry will be harcore once again.

No worries guys, let the casual gamers have their crappy games...they will learn.

There have ALWAYS been terrible games and great games. These days are no different. It's just more noticeable.

Friday, January 23, 2009

AT&T Blocks Wifi Without Plan! I Have the Solution!

Synopsis:AT&T has been known for their crook ways. From overcharging on old bills and making customers renew to get the updated prices to blocking services that customers should be getting for free, AT&T royally screws the pooch every waking minute. I just got my AT&T Blackberry Curve 8320. Wonderful device. The only difference between 8320 and the 8310 model is Wifi. The 8320 supports Wifi and EDGE networks. This article also applies to the new Curve 8820 with Wifi as well.

Issue: Who wants to pay 30 bucks a month for slow EDGE internet access when you can get a Wifi connection for free? Especially since Wifi spots are so common now, networks such as EDGE and 3G are in danger of dying out. So how does AT&T remedy the situation? By making you pay for a data plan just to use your own WIFI! They do not care if you don't want to use the EDGE...they will still charge you. Also, using a pay-per-use plan will just charge you even more whenever you use your Wifi.

Should they be charging us money for a Wifi feature we payed more for in the first place? I already pay an AT&T internet bill, so why am I being charged AGAIN? My Nintendo DS and Windows Moble PDA both use my router at no additional charge, so why can't a state of the art smartphone?

Luckily, I have found the right and only solution. This took me over 2 hours transferring back and forth between CS reps.


1.Call AT&T CS at 1-800-331-0500
2. Ask them to BLOCK all data charges. Be sure to VERIFY that no charges are to be added for data usage. I told them that my son sneaks internet browsing and I get a hefty bill, so I want to block that service from him. This way, they will be happy to block data for you.
3. Now that data is blocked, you can conintue to fix your settings. From here, I assume you already know how to find your router and enter in all the applicable information. You must enter in the given PIN into your router conifig via PC web browser.

Now here is where you trick your Blackberry's Wifi...

4. Depending on your Theme (this is using default AT&T theme)
Scroll to Settings folder > Mobile Network > Turn "ON" Save Settings.
5. Navigate to Options > Advanced Options > Browser >
>Set Defualt Browser Config to "HotSpot Browser" or "Wifi Browser" (this depends on your BB software version)
>Set Default WAP Browser Config to "Community" (IDK if this is necessary, but I am always skeptical when a setting is set to "Media Net"

SAVE settings

6. Restart phone.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Game Review - Crash Commando (PSN)

For $9.99, I picked up the highly anticipated PSN exclusive, "Crash Commando." This low price was more than worth it.

What It Is: A 2D/3D, hectic, multiplayer, side-scrolling shooter that places you on a military battlefield in order to blow the sh*t out of your opponents. Game modes include Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Bomb Plant, and Intelligence.


Features: Online Play, Single Player Boot Camp, and Single Player Custom game with BOTS are the three types of play. Trophies are supported as well as a large variety of options. You get a big bang for your buck.

Gameplay: Controls are simple yet tight. To move, use the left stick. To aim, use the right stick. You can also jump, roll, and even use a few different vehicles. You get three weapon classes: Primary, Secondary, and hand held. Like in Counter-Strike, you get to customize which weapons you want after each death. You get one weapon per class. The weapons are as follows:

Primary Weapons:
Automatic Rifle, Grenade Launcher, Shotgun, Sniper Rifle, and Bazooka
Secondary Weapons: Knife, Pistol
Handheld: Grenades, Mines, C4

There are two "layers" to each map, in which you use pathways buy simply pressing X in front of them to go to the other side. You can see in real time players on the other side of the map fighting, which adds strategy.

Graphics/Sound: Simple, yet colorful animations hecticly scurry along your screen in beautiful 1080p resolution. Colors are vibrant. Explosions and gun sound effects are well done considering the uniqueness of the game.

Conclusion: What players should expect most from a cheap 10 dollar game is not graphics and depth, but how addictive it is. Judge a cheap game like this for what it's worth. How long will you play it for? Let me tell you, if you like hectic and competitive arcade-like multiplayer action, you will want to play this every day your PS3 is powered on.


Boycott Nintendo: Those Backstabbing ***

Being a 21 year old dedicated gamer with a long history Nintendo fanboyism is not easy nowadays. Why did I buy a Wii? I remember the first days of E3 '05 when they demoed Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. I was in awe. The motion and IR controls, fantastic art design, and just simply being another Zelda game was enough for me to get excited about. After that quickly followed Super Mario Galaxy, WarioWare, Excite Truck, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, and finally Smash Bros. Brawl.


Those games, having been beaten time and time again, are now collecting dust.

Nintendo games are becoming a dime a dozen today, as more players such as my mom and five year old sister are buying games more than I am for the Wii. Why did I pay for a system when my grandma plays it more than I do? Nintendo claims that they are reaching out to non gamers, but instead they are approving shovelware crap for a garunteed quick buck.

Wii Music, Wii Play, and Wii Fit have topped the charts since their release dates, and will continue to. To date, the Wii has about 860 titles, while both the PS3 and Xbox 360 combine to less than in software titles.

With the upcoming releases of Madworld and The Conduit, Nintendo has been given a last chance to redeem themselves. Creating simple ported "All New Play Control!" games such as Pikmin and Mario Tennis from the Gamecube does not count. They're just slapping us in the face.