Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Game Review - Crash Commando (PSN)

For $9.99, I picked up the highly anticipated PSN exclusive, "Crash Commando." This low price was more than worth it.

What It Is: A 2D/3D, hectic, multiplayer, side-scrolling shooter that places you on a military battlefield in order to blow the sh*t out of your opponents. Game modes include Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Bomb Plant, and Intelligence.


Features: Online Play, Single Player Boot Camp, and Single Player Custom game with BOTS are the three types of play. Trophies are supported as well as a large variety of options. You get a big bang for your buck.

Gameplay: Controls are simple yet tight. To move, use the left stick. To aim, use the right stick. You can also jump, roll, and even use a few different vehicles. You get three weapon classes: Primary, Secondary, and hand held. Like in Counter-Strike, you get to customize which weapons you want after each death. You get one weapon per class. The weapons are as follows:

Primary Weapons:
Automatic Rifle, Grenade Launcher, Shotgun, Sniper Rifle, and Bazooka
Secondary Weapons: Knife, Pistol
Handheld: Grenades, Mines, C4

There are two "layers" to each map, in which you use pathways buy simply pressing X in front of them to go to the other side. You can see in real time players on the other side of the map fighting, which adds strategy.

Graphics/Sound: Simple, yet colorful animations hecticly scurry along your screen in beautiful 1080p resolution. Colors are vibrant. Explosions and gun sound effects are well done considering the uniqueness of the game.

Conclusion: What players should expect most from a cheap 10 dollar game is not graphics and depth, but how addictive it is. Judge a cheap game like this for what it's worth. How long will you play it for? Let me tell you, if you like hectic and competitive arcade-like multiplayer action, you will want to play this every day your PS3 is powered on.


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